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Tópico: Ajuda com comandos de adm !!!

  1. #1
    Avatar de S2Femer

    UsuárioCavaleiro Ajudante
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    animadaço Ajuda com comandos de adm !!!

    Galera to criandu umserve de darkeden v2 , ele jaja fica on so q tem umas coisas q ainda ns ei =/ ja procurei tm e n achei , espero q vcs me ajudem.

    1 : comando pra começar e terminar a war de biblias ( eu usei o comando aq e nao aocnteceu nda , axo q eu errei ou q ele ta errado =/ )

    2: comndo pra muda a xp do serve.

    3: no navicat como eu crio accs , e os comandos de ban e kick , o de ban pelo oq giquei sabendo pro alto e q tem 2 um permanente e um q o gm escolhe o tempo , e se eu der ban como o ban do char ou acc.

    4: como fazer o char adm ou gm fica com a forma do fantasma ( o tio de cajado e capus )]

    4,5 :como mudar o drop pq no sevre eu fui testa asylion e custava mt cair um item vermelho ( 3 options ) , e pra melhora tbm e como edita os moobs dos mapas

    5: VLW AWE

  2. #2

    UsuárioCavaleiro Escudeiro
    Data de Ingresso
    Feb 2010
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    Re: Ajuda com comandos de adm !!!

    1. *command startRaceWar and *command removeRaceWar
    2. *set exp_ratio
    3. in navicar press F6 and > insert into Player (PlayerID,Password,Name,Sex) values ('loginid', PASSWORD('loginpass'), 'name', 'MALE');
    *deny # : Denies character # account access to the server (ban)
    4. navicat enter in the database of darkeden and select the char vamp,slayer or ouster and change Competencesharpw of 1 to 0 think
    5. in attatribute in the table #27

  3. #3
    CCV_Love está offline R41z3N Gamer
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    Membro CCVModeradorCavaleiro de Diamante
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    R41z3N Gamer
    Membro CCVModeradorCavaleiro de Diamante
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    Re: Ajuda com comandos de adm !!!

    Compilation of Commands and their descriptions, (NOGM) means normal players can use it.
    by BloodyShade

    Command : Description
    - Values/Options

    *zone : As far as I can see, this command is disabled on the server.
    *guild changeGuildMaster # : Sets guild master to player #
    *world # : Broadcast to the current world
    *allworld # : Broadcast to all worlds
    *save : Saves all the player on the zone(map)
    *wall # : Sends a system message to the server
    *shutdown # : Restarts the server after # seconds
    *pay : Check billing status.
    *kick # : Kick character #
    *mute # $ : Mutes charater # for $ seconds
    *denychat $ # : Server ignores character # chat depending on deny level $
    - 1 : 1 minute
    - 2 : 6 minutes
    - 3 : 12 minutes
    - 4 : 24 minutes
    - 5 : 168 minutes
    *freezing # : Freezes character #
    *deny # : Denies character # account access to the server (ban)
    *info # : Returns character # information
    *trace # : Teleports to character's # location
    *warp # x y : Warps to zone @ at x/y coord.
    *create @ # $ () [] () {} : @ is the ItemClass, # is the ItemID, $ is the option list (182 182 182 = item with 3 moju9 as options), second () is the time limit (use 10 for limitless time/normal items), [] is the stack amount, {} is the grade. Notice that there is a extra set of (), the first one.
    This is probably a bug in the parser, since it seems to provide no real use in the command itself.
    *summon @ # $ [] {} : @ is monster name or SpriteType, # is amount of monsters, $ is Mad, [] is event, {} is MonsterType.
    *grant # $ : Sets character # competence level to $
    - 0 : GOD
    - 1 : DM/GM
    - 2 : HELPER
    - 3 : PLAYER
    *fun @ # $ : @ is FunType(I only see 'mine' as a funtype though), # is value1 and $ is value2
    - mine # $ : # is ItemType, $ is ItemNum
    *billing disconnect : Disconnect the billing server
    *recall # : Teleports character # to GM/GOD's location
    *user : Returns the amount of users connected.
    *notice $ : Sends a notice $
    *load # $ : Reload databases, Load type # with value $
    - master_lair_info
    - monster_info
    - monster_ai
    - zone_info
    - zone
    - log_user
    - item_info
    - option_info
    - rank_bonus_info
    - string_pool
    - war_schedule_info
    - blood_bible_owner
    - sweeper_owner
    - race_war_pc_limit
    - npc
    - goods_list_info
    *combat start/end : Starts/ends combat on current zone
    *find # : Checks if player # is online (NOGM)
    *credit : Shows some names of the people that worked on the project (NOGM)
    *soulchain # : Teleports near character #
    *log # $ : # is the character's name, $ is the amount of seconds
    *bug_report $ : Sends bug report message $ (NOGM)
    *crash_report @ # $ % : Send a crash report, @ is the crash time, # is the Version of your client, $ is your IP Address and % is the message. (NOGM)
    *view/*set # : Views/Sets the option of AttrInfo, but only until gameserver restarts
    - star
    - evnet_activate start/end (in view is it wrong named evnet_activate, in set use event_activate)
    - event_ratio
    - exp_ratio
    - item_prob_ratio
    - combat_bonus_time
    - combat_bonus_slayer_hp_ratio
    - combat_bonus_vampire_hp_ratio
    - combat_bonus_slayer_damage
    - combat_bonus_vampire_damage
    - premium_exp_bonus_percent
    - premium_item_probe_percent
    - zone_group_balancing_minute
    - zone_group_next_balancing_time
    - gamble_item_type_ratio
    - gamble_item_option_ratio
    - summon_motorcycle on/off
    - enemy_limit_time
    - rare_item_ratio
    - unique_item_ratio
    - active_master_lair on/off
    - retry_master_lair on/off
    - harvest_festival_item_ratio
    - master_blood_drain_start_hp
    - master_blood_drain_start_bd
    - master_blood_drain_end_hp
    - master_blood_drain_end_bd
    - chief_monster on/off
    - chief_monster_rare_item_percent
    - newbie_transport_to_guild on/off
    - xmas_2002 @ # $ : @ is Firecracker's value, # is TreePart value, $ is GiftBox value. SET ONLY.
    - ItemTaxRatio : SET ONLY
    *command # $ : # is the command, $ is the value
    - balanceZoneGroup $ : Sets balanceZoneGroup to $, 'default' for default value
    - regenMasterLair : Regenerate the Master Lairs
    - showMasterLairStatus : Show status of Master Lairs
    - invincible on/off : God Mode on/off
    - ghost on/off : Invisible mode on/off
    - clearInventory : Delete all items in inventory
    - clearRankBonus : Resets the Rank Bonuses
    - setCastleOwner $ : SlayerCommon, VampireCommon, OustersCommon
    - setCastleOwnerGuild # $ : # is the ZoneID, $ is the ID of the guild
    - showWarList : Shows the current list of wars
    - startRaceWar : Start the Race War
    - removeWar : Stop wars
    - removeRaceWar : Stops the Race War
    - LevelWar $ : $ is ZoneID (Use can use 1131, 1132, 1133, 1134)
    - saveBloodBibleOwner : Saves the current Blood Bible Owners
    - killAllMonster : Kill all the monsters
    - showZonePCNum
    - showPKZonePCNum
    - setPKZonePCNum $ : $ is the Number
    - suicide : Kill yourself
    - heal : Heal to full hp/mp
    - setGold $ : $ is amount of Gold (2000000000 max)
    - Quest Complete : Completes MonsterKillQuest
    - QuestEnding : Run notice event Quest Ending, probably canceling the current MonsterKillQuest
    - NotifyWin # $ : Notifies character # of winning gift $
    - Horn : Run notice event Horn, not exactly sure what it is, it might take a argument
    - Loud # $ : # is character name, $ is amount of time
    - Game $ : Starts mini game $
    - Mine
    - Nemo
    - Push
    - Arrow
    - changeSex : Changes sex
    - Firecraker $ : $ is EffectID
    - Bulletin # $ : # is BulletinLevel, $ is BulletinMessage
    - 1 : 6 minutes
    - 2 : 12 minutes
    - 3 : 24 minutes
    - SetHP $ : Set HP to $
    - ResetAttr : Reset Attribute points
    - CTF : Starts Capture The Flag Event
    - ViewDamage on/off : View the damage inflicted on the monsters
    - GoodsReload : Reloads GoodsInfo database
    - PetStash : Calls the PetStash to store pets
    - ZoneEvent on/off : Starts/ends Zone Event
    - EventZonePCLimit $ : Sets limit to $
    - KickOutAll : Kick all the players

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